[轉載]世界人權日剛過的凌晨 自由廣場和平抗議之學生與圖博人被強制驅離
作者 hialan ( ) 看板 action1106
標題 [記實] 野草苺驅離懶人包
時間 Thu Dec 11 07:14:52 2008
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推文者的 ID 僅留下開頭第一個字母以供分辨。
12/11 03:35:45 2008
→ F:在左邊牆前靜坐的圖博人被趕走了? 推 12/11 04:05
→ t:是的!!! 圖博人也被包圍 推12/11 04:06
→ F:國際大笑話,可恥的河蟹社會 推12/11 04:11
→ w:是有需要動用六台警備車嗎... 推 12/11 04:13
→ f:快打蘋果24小時爆料專線!!!!! 推 12/11 04:13
→ t:麻煩幫忙打!!!很緊急!!! 推 12/11 04:14
→ f:我打去蘋果爆料專線 是答錄機 推 12/11 04:17
→ f:已經留言.. 推 12/11 04:18
→ t:我通知亞當了,他會通知同學!! 推 12/11 04:22
→ w:我在淡水,無法過去 推 12/11 04:22
→ w:請照顧好自己 by醫療組 Q_Q 推 12/11 04:22
剛剛打到民視,跟總機有接通,也有告知他自由廣場上,警察約來了 250 人
→ f:人購的話也可以躺在屋子裡 推 12/11 04:33
→ m:這樣會被抬走 推 12/11 04:33
→ f:S那就爬到塔上吧 推 12/11 04:34
→ f:學生有多少人? 推 12/11 04:36
→ w:醫療組有人出發了,緊急徵求人力幫忙 推 12/11 04:37
靜坐 被抬走 這樣就夠了
我人遠在淡水,只能多打電話叫人起來了 (U)
→ F:快叫計程車,把警備車堵死! 推 12/11 04:44
→ c:DV錄起來! 推 12/11 04:45
內圈在唱野草莓戰歌、we shall overcome。
→ F:3.5G已經被警方要求業者斷了。 推 12/11 05:10
註: 後來主播說明是現場技術問題。 Wenli 等人到場處理後,
→ t:對!!所以有沒有人可以支援wifly 推 12/11 05:10
→ c:http://0rz.tw/2c5g0 線上購買WiFly 推 12/11 05:12
→ d:已寄,請收信! 推 12/11 05:13
→ S:斷訊號是跟對岸學的嗎!? 推 12/11 05:16
→ w:目前現場有一位EMT2跟醫生 如果有人去 推 12/11 05:14
然後說 圖博人被載走後被丟在哪裡完全不知道
Waston全程記錄 // 按: watson是一位記錄片工作者
警察的態度很輕浮 臉上帶著笑容
action1106: 現在開始抬人
→ w:Q_Q 推 12/11 05:26
→ w:狂笑 -.-? 推 12/11 05:30
→ F:對,條子們邊拖人邊狂笑。 推 12/11 05:30
→ j:誇張!! 推 12/11 05:30
現在永恩完全躺在地上 兩個女警台不動他 //按: 永恩是一個小女孩
→ F:集遊法違憲。 推 12/11 05:28
神行想辦法突破 但是很難進去
現在現場剩下兩個人 因為手上拿著DV
→ c: update: 主播說:八點半記者會 推 12/11 06:31
屋子不見了 帳篷不見了 現場凌亂
結果圖博人不在現場...早餐就只好由野草莓接下來... (沒有說要吃)
現場在進行台呼:抗議行政濫權 總統院長道歉 集遊法違憲 人權變
5:41 teiko: 大家看到廣場上的警察了嗎
5:41 qqreynold: 看到了
5:41 minyufan: 好多警察...
5:41 wineman_tw: teiko... 有聯絡上第三車ㄉ同學了嗎?@@
5:42 sunlineliu: 警察也太多了一點
5:42 minyufan: 到底想幹麼?殺死學生嗎??>"<
style="font-weight: bold;">5:42 teiko:不下警備車
5:42wineman_tw:teiko... 第三車在哪? 5:43wineman_tw:幹...
還拿盾牌... 是要怎樣阿
5:43 nico1106:不下車 野是不合作的一種 5:44wineman_tw:一票警
察就算ㄌ... 還帶盾牌... 幹,鎮暴用ㄉ齊眉棍怎不一起帶阿
5:44 teiko:現在正在搬離東西
5:44 minyufan:我先生說 這麼多警察是學生做了什麼違法的事嗎
5:44 wstarr:are thy waiting for their TANK??
5:44 visc10:I think they are trying to do anything possible
to destroy everything at the Square 5:44 teiko:他們要用將小
木屋直接用拖車拖走 5:44wstarr:yeah, where is their TANK??
5:45 wineman_tw:princesita... 因為台灣現在是警察國家阿... 別
5:45 qqreynold:消防車要幹嘛 5:45wstarr:oh, that is tow
truck!!!! 5:45betommy23:是天安門廣場吧
5:45 msjay:被載到台大的人
5:45 msjay:會回廣場嗎
5:45 wstarr:what is red truck??
5:45 msjay:現在廣場很需要人嗎
5:45 wstarr:hi wenli
5:45 betommy23:坦克要出來了嗎
5:45 minyufan:我真的不敢相信我看到的景象
5:45 wineman_tw:wenli... 要小心喔
5:45 qoopda:哇 消防水車耶
5:45 qqreynold:要噴水了嗎
5:45 yk32:這真是太優秀了 偉大的 馬囧
5:45 teiko:waston會趕去拍攝第二車的狀況
5:45 bebopthemultitude:我們的小屋應該經不起拖車拖著走
5:45 nico1106:嗚嗚~我們的主播小屋~~嗚嗚~~
5:45 teiko:小木屋似乎沒有很容易被帶走
5:45 lihlii:民党真有才,恢复了大
5:46 visc10:loks like an automated crane mounted on a truck
or something
5:46 donic830:嘉義中正 有看到 很順
5:46 wstarr:What the heck is police waiting for??
5:46 visc10:the view is a little blurry
5:46 wstarr:ARMY??
5:46 wstarr:Tank??
5:47 wstarr:this is conspiracy
5:47 visc10:according ti the anchor, those students who are
being forcibly evicted are reportedlytransported by the
police to the National Taiwan University
5:47 pisceslove:明天再集結 5:47minyufan:因為突然大動作在半夜
5:47 wstarr:government has been planning this!!!
5:48 letgoeggo:it all because 出席亞洲人權頒獎 馬又被嗆
5:48 wstarr:whre is Curly? 5:48wineman_tw:達賴喇嘛不行來...
5:48 pipiyoyo:電視上不是說 另一個圍棋欽差大人要來台灣訪問嗎
5:48 msjay:遊行讓我們放鬆戒備
5:48 msjay:然後現在拆
5:48 nico1106:我不要拿沒花鹿和長鬃山羊換熊貓!!!
5:48 qqreynold:政府一點誠意都沒有嘛
5:49 teiko:我們的設備現在改用電腦附的鏡頭
5:49 wf4twn:deer, goat, and panda should stay where they
belong just like us.....
5:50 donic830:我覺得不是有誰要來台灣才這樣 而是有警官想拚升
官了 唉
5:50 qoopda:真好笑這樣就暴政喔?
5:50 pisceslove:第一次對警察這麼反感
5:50 quizasvera:都被拖走了,而且不是抬是拖,警察邊拖邊狂笑
5:50 teiko:亞當說+現在二車在台大大門口集合 準備回到自由廣場
5:50 wstarr:do students have list of their equiptment?
5:50visc10:wstarr just ignore
5:51 pisceslove: 好個馬屁政府 5:52visc10:ALRIGHT STUDENTS
5:52visc10:GO GO GO STUDENTS!!!!! 5:52visc10:COME ON
STUDENTS!!!! 5:52msjay:加油 5:52qoopda:pipiyoyo:不是耶 我只
5:52 minyufan:我們會去支援!!!!!!!!!>"< 5:52 qqreynold:我等一
5:52 wf4twn:野草莓加油!! 台灣加油!!
5:52 qoopda:pipiyoyo:暴力才能解決一切
5:53 quizasvera:我是說真的,現在可能會被丟到荒郊野外,有沒有
5:53 wstarr:Is it possible to follow the police cars??
5:53 wstarr:Is it possible to follow the police cars??
5:53 cd81:wstarr thanks for your translation
5:54 qoopda:野草莓快點拔起警察身上的槍 一個個槍斃她們吧
5:54 chitsaou:畫面中間偏右上閃燈的是警備車?
5:54 sunlineliu:在等學生回來吧
5:54 nico1106:因為他們知道學生會回來?
5:54 wf4twn:wann, they will be taken to NTU
5:54 wineman_tw:閃燈ㄉ應該是警用貨車之類ㄉ
5:54 nico1106:為什麼搬東西的不穿警察衣服?
5:54 cd81:可能請學生晚點在回到廣場 因為現在還有警備車
5:55 msjay:會不會是為了等學生回來再驅離
5:55 qoopda:野草莓是俗辣嗎? 是不會用暴力是嗎?
5:56 msjay:會不會是為了等學生回來再驅離 否則幹嘛那麼多警備車
5:56 quizasvera:我剛剛打去電台廣播,但六點以後才有現場節目,被驅離是5:34
5:57 msjay:會不會是為了等學生回來再驅離 否則幹嘛那麼多警備車
5:57 nico1106:警察為什麼笑?很好玩嗎?有拍下來吧
5:57 teiko:有拍下來
5:57 dieyoru:原來法律是要在人權前面的?
5:57 chitsaou:六點開始通勤時間...佔住街道的會是警察呢還是野草莓...XD
5:57 teiko:靖媛和waston都有拍下來
5:57 chitsaou:要保護好帶子!!
5:57 teiko:會!!
5:58 qoopda:野草莓請學學泰國模式 請暴動起來
5:58 wstarr:Tell Watson to watch police carefully
5:58 msjay:會不會是為了等學生回來再驅離 否則幹嘛那麼多警備車
6:00 teiko:中天出來了!!!
[記實] 半夜四點自由廣場驅離野草莓,早上六點警察見光快閃
※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
國際記者組織呼籲台灣警察停止壓制媒體以取得抗議的資訊 ■IFJ(2008.11.19) 雲程譯
國際記者組織(IFJ)督促台灣的警政署(NPA)停止要求媒體從業人員提供近日遊行抗議者的資訊。根據本組織的會員台灣新聞記者協會(ATJ)的說明,台灣的警察要求媒體工作者提供參加旨在抗議11月6日馬英九總統與海協會會長陳雲林會面的「黃絲帶圍城」(Yellow Ribbon Siege)抗議者照片。抗議者據稱是受到民進黨的動員。
「警察的命令已經將記者推入險境」記協會長莊豐嘉 先生說。
November 19, 2008
IFJ Call for Taiwan Police to Stop Pressuring Media for Protest Information
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Taiwan 's National Police Agency (NPA) to stop asking media personnel for information about protesters at a recent public demonstration. According to the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), an IFJ affiliate, members of the Taiwan police have reportedly asked media workers to provide photographs of demonstrators who participated in the "Yellow Ribbon Siege" protest against a meeting between Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) Chen Yunlin on November 16. The protest was reportedly organised by the Democratic Progressive Political Party.
The ATJ said there were concerns that police would seek to pressure photojournalists who refused the request for information by approaching their employers.
"The police have put the reporters in grave danger by demanding that they rat on their interviewees," ATJ president Leon Chuang said.
On November 18, Leon Chuang and several reporters requested a meeting with NPA Director-General Wang Cho-chun to resolve the issue, but the request was declined.
"The duty of a journalist is to report the truth and to protect his or her sources. Journalists must not be compelled to act as agents to collect information on behalf of government authorities. Police interference of this kind places freedom of the independent press in jeopardy," IFJ Asia-Pacific said.
"The IFJ urges Taiwan 's authorities to respect press freedom and ensure that they do not compromise journalists' integrity. All media outlets are also urged to defend press freedom and refrain from handing over photographs."
Increasing police pressure on Taiwan 's media has been reported since early November. An independent documentary film-maker was detained by police while she was filming Chen in a hotel on November 4.. In a separate incident, a television reporter was assaulted by police who reportedly mistook him for a protester during the November 16 rally.
國際記者組織呼籲台灣警察停止壓制媒體以取得抗議的資訊 ■IFJ(2008.11.19) 雲程譯
國際記者組織(IFJ)督促台灣的警政署(NPA)停止要求媒體從業人員提供近日遊行抗議者的資訊。根據本組織的會員台灣新聞記者協會(ATJ)的說明,台灣的警察要求媒體工作者提供參加旨在抗議11月6日馬英九總統與海協會會長陳雲林會面的「黃絲帶圍城」(Yellow Ribbon Siege)抗議者照片。抗議者據稱是受到民進黨的動員。
「警察的命令已經將記者推入險境」記協會長莊豐嘉 先生說。
November 19, 2008
IFJ Call for Taiwan Police to Stop Pressuring Media for Protest Information
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) urges Taiwan 's National Police Agency (NPA) to stop asking media personnel for information about protesters at a recent public demonstration. According to the Association of Taiwan Journalists (ATJ), an IFJ affiliate, members of the Taiwan police have reportedly asked media workers to provide photographs of demonstrators who participated in the "Yellow Ribbon Siege" protest against a meeting between Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou and chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) Chen Yunlin on November 16. The protest was reportedly organised by the Democratic Progressive Political Party.
The ATJ said there were concerns that police would seek to pressure photojournalists who refused the request for information by approaching their employers.
"The police have put the reporters in grave danger by demanding that they rat on their interviewees," ATJ president Leon Chuang said.
On November 18, Leon Chuang and several reporters requested a meeting with NPA Director-General Wang Cho-chun to resolve the issue, but the request was declined.
"The duty of a journalist is to report the truth and to protect his or her sources. Journalists must not be compelled to act as agents to collect information on behalf of government authorities. Police interference of this kind places freedom of the independent press in jeopardy," IFJ Asia-Pacific said.
"The IFJ urges Taiwan 's authorities to respect press freedom and ensure that they do not compromise journalists' integrity. All media outlets are also urged to defend press freedom and refrain from handing over photographs."
Increasing police pressure on Taiwan 's media has been reported since early November. An independent documentary film-maker was detained by police while she was filming Chen in a hotel on November 4.. In a separate incident, a television reporter was assaulted by police who reportedly mistook him for a protester during the November 16 rally.
Une dizaine de journalistes blessés lors de manifestations de l’opposition
More than 10 journalistsinjured during opposition protests against Chinese visit
Reporters sans frontières déplore les violences qui ont touché des journalistes en marge de la visite d’un représentant du gouvernement de Pékin dans l’île. L’organisation regrette également que des policiers aient interpellé une journaliste qui ne faisait que filmer des manifestations.
Reporters Without Bordersdeplores the violence against journalists in Taipei in the course of protestsagainst a visit by a Chinese government representative during the past fewdays. It also regrets that the police arrested a journalist who was justfilming the protests.
"Les militants del’opposition ont le droit de manifester, mais il est lamentable qu’ils lefassent avec une telle violence et sans aucun souci pour la sécurité desjournalistes. Les relations entre la Chine et Taiwan est un sujet trèscontroversé, mais la presse doit pouvoir en parler sans être la cible deviolences ou de pressions", a affirmé l’organisation.
"Oppositionactivists have the right to demonstrate, but it is regrettable that they did sowith such violence and with no thought for the safety of journalists,"Reporters Without Borders said. "Relations between China and Taiwan are very controversial,but the media have a right to talk about them without being the target ofviolence or pressure."
无国界记者表示,“支持反对党的积极分子有权游行,然而,不顾记者安全,并使用用暴力的做法让人愤慨。虽然大陆和台湾之间的问题十分敏感,但是,媒体有权对此作出报道,而不应该成为暴力镇压的对象。” (註:該譯文會誤導讀者以為暴力是針對記者而來,與英法文意不同)
Le 6 novembre 2008, au moins dixjournalistes ont été blessés lors de manifestations organisées par despartisans de l’opposition en marge de la rencontre à Taipei entre le présidentde l’Association pour les relations dans le détroit de Taiwan (affiliée augouvernement chinois), Chen Yunlin, et le président taiwanais, Ma Ying-jeou. Parexemple, une journaliste a été blessée par un projectile lancé par unmanifestant. Tandis que Yang Sun-ren, cameraman d’ETTV, a été touché par unepierre. Un autre journaliste de la chaîne FTV aurait été blessé par unpolicier.
Atleast 10 journalists were injured during protests on 6 November by supportersof the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) against the meeting in Taipeibetween President Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Yunlin, the president of the Chinesegovernment-backed Association for Relations in the Taiwan Straits, which led toclashes between DPP supporters and police. Those injured included a womanjournalist who was hit by an object thrown by a demonstrator, ETTV cameramanYang Sun-ren, who was hit by a stone, and an FTV journalist who was injured bya policeman.
2008年11月6日,在台北举行的海峡两岸关系协会 (隶属中国大陆政府)会长陈云林和台湾总统马英九会见期间,反对党支持者组织游行,民进党的积极分子和警方发生冲突。游行中至少十名记者受伤,例如,一名记者被示威者投掷的硬物所伤,ETTV摄像师杨孙仁遭石块袭击,FTV一名记者被警察所伤。
Le 5 novembre dans la soirée, uneprésentatrice de la télévision chinoise CCTV, Chai Lu, a quant à elle étéagressée devant un hôtel par des opposants. Elle a été protégée par despoliciers arrivés sur les lieux dix minutes plus tard. Le même soir et au mêmeendroit, un reporter de la chaîne Phoenix TV, basée à Hong Kong, a été malmenépar des partisans de l’indépendance.
ChaiLu, a presenter for the Chinese state television station CCTV, was attacked bygovernment opponents on the evening of 5 November outside a hotel, receivingprotection from police who arrived 10 minutes later. A reporter for HongKong-based Phoenix TV was manhandled later the same evening in the same placeby Taiwanese independence supporters.
Le 4 novembre, des policiers ontinterpellé et agressé la réalisatrice de documentaires Chen Yu-ching, alorsqu’elle se trouvait devant l’hôtel où résidait le représentant de Pékin. Lespoliciers l’ont détenue pendant une heure après qu’elle a refusé de leurprésenter son accréditation.
Documentaryfilmmaker Chen Yu-ching was detained and roughed up by police on 4 Novemberwhile she was outside the hotel where the Chinese government representative wasstaying. Thepolice held her for an hour after she refused to show her press accreditation.
Le 2 novembre, un caméraman de laCentral News Agency a été malmené par des agents de sécurité, alors qu’ilcouvrait une cérémonie en l’honneur du représentant chinois dans la capitale.
ACentral News Agency cameraman was manhandled by security guards on 2 Novemberwhile covering a ceremony in honour of Chen Yunlin in Taipei.
Par ailleurs, certains médiastaiwanais se sont plaints d’avoir été écartés pour des "raisons desécurité" des entretiens entre le président et M. Chen, alors que desjournalistes venus du continent ont bénéficié d’un accès plus facile.
SomeTaiwanese media complained that they were excluded from meetings between Chenand the president, while mainland Chinese journalists had much better access.
Une dizaine de journalistes blessés lors de manifestations de l’opposition
More than 10 journalistsinjured during opposition protests against Chinese visit
Reporters sans frontières déplore les violences qui ont touché des journalistes en marge de la visite d’un représentant du gouvernement de Pékin dans l’île. L’organisation regrette également que des policiers aient interpellé une journaliste qui ne faisait que filmer des manifestations.
Reporters Without Bordersdeplores the violence against journalists in Taipei in the course of protestsagainst a visit by a Chinese government representative during the past fewdays. It also regrets that the police arrested a journalist who was justfilming the protests.
"Les militants del’opposition ont le droit de manifester, mais il est lamentable qu’ils lefassent avec une telle violence et sans aucun souci pour la sécurité desjournalistes. Les relations entre la Chine et Taiwan est un sujet trèscontroversé, mais la presse doit pouvoir en parler sans être la cible deviolences ou de pressions", a affirmé l’organisation.
"Oppositionactivists have the right to demonstrate, but it is regrettable that they did sowith such violence and with no thought for the safety of journalists,"Reporters Without Borders said. "Relations between China and Taiwan are very controversial,but the media have a right to talk about them without being the target ofviolence or pressure."
无国界记者表示,“支持反对党的积极分子有权游行,然而,不顾记者安全,并使用用暴力的做法让人愤慨。虽然大陆和台湾之间的问题十分敏感,但是,媒体有权对此作出报道,而不应该成为暴力镇压的对象。” (註:該譯文會誤導讀者以為暴力是針對記者而來,與英法文意不同)
Le 6 novembre 2008, au moins dixjournalistes ont été blessés lors de manifestations organisées par despartisans de l’opposition en marge de la rencontre à Taipei entre le présidentde l’Association pour les relations dans le détroit de Taiwan (affiliée augouvernement chinois), Chen Yunlin, et le président taiwanais, Ma Ying-jeou. Parexemple, une journaliste a été blessée par un projectile lancé par unmanifestant. Tandis que Yang Sun-ren, cameraman d’ETTV, a été touché par unepierre. Un autre journaliste de la chaîne FTV aurait été blessé par unpolicier.
Atleast 10 journalists were injured during protests on 6 November by supportersof the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) against the meeting in Taipeibetween President Ma Ying-jeou and Chen Yunlin, the president of the Chinesegovernment-backed Association for Relations in the Taiwan Straits, which led toclashes between DPP supporters and police. Those injured included a womanjournalist who was hit by an object thrown by a demonstrator, ETTV cameramanYang Sun-ren, who was hit by a stone, and an FTV journalist who was injured bya policeman.
2008年11月6日,在台北举行的海峡两岸关系协会 (隶属中国大陆政府)会长陈云林和台湾总统马英九会见期间,反对党支持者组织游行,民进党的积极分子和警方发生冲突。游行中至少十名记者受伤,例如,一名记者被示威者投掷的硬物所伤,ETTV摄像师杨孙仁遭石块袭击,FTV一名记者被警察所伤。
Le 5 novembre dans la soirée, uneprésentatrice de la télévision chinoise CCTV, Chai Lu, a quant à elle étéagressée devant un hôtel par des opposants. Elle a été protégée par despoliciers arrivés sur les lieux dix minutes plus tard. Le même soir et au mêmeendroit, un reporter de la chaîne Phoenix TV, basée à Hong Kong, a été malmenépar des partisans de l’indépendance.
ChaiLu, a presenter for the Chinese state television station CCTV, was attacked bygovernment opponents on the evening of 5 November outside a hotel, receivingprotection from police who arrived 10 minutes later. A reporter for HongKong-based Phoenix TV was manhandled later the same evening in the same placeby Taiwanese independence supporters.
Le 4 novembre, des policiers ontinterpellé et agressé la réalisatrice de documentaires Chen Yu-ching, alorsqu’elle se trouvait devant l’hôtel où résidait le représentant de Pékin. Lespoliciers l’ont détenue pendant une heure après qu’elle a refusé de leurprésenter son accréditation.
Documentaryfilmmaker Chen Yu-ching was detained and roughed up by police on 4 Novemberwhile she was outside the hotel where the Chinese government representative wasstaying. Thepolice held her for an hour after she refused to show her press accreditation.
Le 2 novembre, un caméraman de laCentral News Agency a été malmené par des agents de sécurité, alors qu’ilcouvrait une cérémonie en l’honneur du représentant chinois dans la capitale.
ACentral News Agency cameraman was manhandled by security guards on 2 Novemberwhile covering a ceremony in honour of Chen Yunlin in Taipei.
Par ailleurs, certains médiastaiwanais se sont plaints d’avoir été écartés pour des "raisons desécurité" des entretiens entre le président et M. Chen, alors que desjournalistes venus du continent ont bénéficié d’un accès plus facile.
SomeTaiwanese media complained that they were excluded from meetings between Chenand the president, while mainland Chinese journalists had much better access.
[轉載]日本〈台灣民主化後退憂慮之會〉 抗議文
馬英九總統 先生:
台灣人民以不斷的血淚努力、終於得到廢止戒嚴令、釋放政治犯、也進行了民 主化、並使得世界上對台灣評價為民主國家的今日、感到放心而且一直注目著。
民主國家對人民的抗議遊行及行動是必須得到保障的權利、更何況播放母語的 音樂、使用何種標語、甚至連自己國家的國旗都被禁止、真是超乎想像以外的行為。
政權領導者的人權意識水準、以及對民主法制採取不予理會的態度、會表現在 現場警察官而形成不重視人權行為的溫床、這是歷史告訴我們的事實。
不顧人民的聲音、而且獨斷、專制、強壓地要改變與 中國的關係、所引起悲劇性的對立與分裂、只會造成不幸的結果、我們不得不憂慮卻反而無法描出未來的希望。
我們不但要抗議警備當局的不重視人權、民主的行為、而且憂慮台灣會再度出 現對言論及人權的彈壓、並且製造出新的政治犯而提出嚴重聲明。
**關於*日本台灣政治犯救援會: *1977年成立於東京,透過各種管道收集台灣政治受難者的資訊,同時散發到國際上,以公開演講、集會、遊 行、寫文章登報……等方式,向國民黨政府施壓,要求釋放台灣政治受難者。在台灣解嚴後,逐漸走向民主,救援會在1994年正式解散。
馬英九總統 先生:
台灣人民以不斷的血淚努力、終於得到廢止戒嚴令、釋放政治犯、也進行了民 主化、並使得世界上對台灣評價為民主國家的今日、感到放心而且一直注目著。
民主國家對人民的抗議遊行及行動是必須得到保障的權利、更何況播放母語的 音樂、使用何種標語、甚至連自己國家的國旗都被禁止、真是超乎想像以外的行為。
政權領導者的人權意識水準、以及對民主法制採取不予理會的態度、會表現在 現場警察官而形成不重視人權行為的溫床、這是歷史告訴我們的事實。
不顧人民的聲音、而且獨斷、專制、強壓地要改變與 中國的關係、所引起悲劇性的對立與分裂、只會造成不幸的結果、我們不得不憂慮卻反而無法描出未來的希望。
我們不但要抗議警備當局的不重視人權、民主的行為、而且憂慮台灣會再度出 現對言論及人權的彈壓、並且製造出新的政治犯而提出嚴重聲明。
**關於*日本台灣政治犯救援會: *1977年成立於東京,透過各種管道收集台灣政治受難者的資訊,同時散發到國際上,以公開演講、集會、遊 行、寫文章登報……等方式,向國民黨政府施壓,要求釋放台灣政治受難者。在台灣解嚴後,逐漸走向民主,救援會在1994年正式解散。
[轉載]美學者James Leigh給野草莓學生的公開信
A letter to WS students from Prof. Leigh
Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 12:25:22 AM
From: James Leigh
Professor Emeritus in the College of Education
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri, USA
Dear Students:
I recently returned to the United States from a visit to your beautiful country,
where I had the opportunity to talk with other professors and students about my
professional work and interests related to the field of education. Even though the
purpose of my trip was entirely nonpolitical, during my visit I learned about the
Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement, and I have read with interest the November 10
protest statement and many of the other postings on the TW Action website. After
returning to the U.S., I have been invited to share some of my thoughts and opinions
with you concerning the goals and activities of your movement.
Although the history and culture of our countries are quite different, when I was a
university student in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, there was a great amount of
unrest and turmoil in the U.S. between large numbers of university students and
faculty and others in the American society on the one hand, and staunch supporters of
government, military, and police authorities on the other hand. The protests and
demonstrations focused primarily on disagreement over U.S. policy relating to the
Vietnam war, but also grew to encompass opposing perspectives about other aspects
of American values and culture. Even though the Vietnam war ended long ago, there
are still lingering divisions and resentments harbored by many U.S. citizens as a result of the polarization and conflict from that era. I believe that some of that residual distrust and misunderstanding is now apparent in the socio-political distinction between “red” states and “blue” states in America, which in some respects is not unlike the designation of “blue” and “green” parties today in your country.
I cannot pretend to be well-versed in Taiwanese history and culture and its
complex relationship with the People’s Republic of China, so I will abstain from
offering judgments and specific recommendations regarding your current situation
other than to state that, as I understand it, your purpose appears to be not only just but noble insofar as it intends to protect and advance the cause of democracy and independence in your country. Of course, this position is to be expected from a
citizen of the country that declared its own independence in the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ...” This statement maintains that the members of your movement, and indeed all citizens of Taiwan, already have the rights that you advocate by virtue of being human. You are not asking any government to confer such rights that you already possess, but rather your goal is to ensure that your government recognizes and protects those rights.
Since I am not in a position to provide suggestions regarding the particular
strategies and resources your movement should employ toward this goal, I will simply
offer some thoughts to consider based upon my observations of and participation in
protest movements in my own country. For example, one important lesson I learned
is that people are seldom persuaded to a point of view by physical confrontation or
loud and emotionally-charged argument. If anything, such tactics generally produce
a defensive posture in philosophical adversaries, and often are regarded as rude and
arrogant and potentially dangerous by neutral individuals who otherwise might be
open to the message if it had been offered in a less threatening manner. Many of the
violent clashes between student groups and police in the U.S. in the 1960’s were
counterproductive, even though the students’ cause was worthwhile, because so many
citizens were repulsed by what they perceived as the mindless destruction of property, disruption of civil order, injuries, and sometimes even the tragic and needless loss of life.
As you pursue your purpose, I would encourage each of you to remember the
words of Martin Luther King as he wrote from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama: "We
are caught in an inescapable web of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." If this statement is true, as I believe it to be, the implication is that we must resist the politics of division and hatred in which our only concern and empathy is with those who support and join our cause, and in which others are regarded as enemies to be overcome. This does not mean that you should defer to or attempt to appease the opponents of democracy in your country, but rather that you should remember that it is their positions and policies that you seek to defeat, and not the people themselves. The implication of this distinction is that the fundamental humanity of all people must be respected, which rules out the use of violence or any form of degrading or demeaning attack, even in words, directed toward those with whom you disagree at this time.
Undoubtedly, you have already found that some of your members are well-versed
in the more substantive conceptual aspects of freedom and democracy and human
rights, while other members may only be caught up in their sense of the excitement
and adventure of rebellion and supporting a cause. Many who participated in various
American protest movements were well-informed and committed to their causes, but
it is also true that many were simply bored or dissatisfied young people for whom the
demonstrations and confrontations provided an outlet for their personal frustrations or a source of entertainment and a sense of belonging that they otherwise lacked in their lives.
In order to convince adversaries to listen to one’s perspective, it is necessary to be willing also to listen to and learn about their perspective. Positions and policies are not defeated by how loud and angry our voices of protest can be, but rather by how logical and convincing our reason is in undermining those positions and policies. In other words, to refute an idea, it is first necessary to understand it, which means learning about its background and history and the motives of those who subscribe to it and the positive and negative implications of adhering to that idea. Only then does it become possible to argue against the idea in a systematic, rational, and powerful manner that will appeal to those who are willing to consider differing perspectives.
Accordingly, perhaps your movement will provide an opportunity for your student
leaders also to serve as teachers, providing an education beyond university walls for
many Taiwanese citizens and future political leaders. Many great thinkers before you
have grappled with the notions of freedom and democracy and independence; authors
as diverse as Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, Walt Whitman, G. K. Chesterton,
John Kennedy, Ghandi, Paulo Freire, Allen Ginsberg, Noam Chomsky and countless
others have shared their thoughts about such ideals, and you can read and study their
eloquent words today for guidance and inspiration and to translate and share with
your fellow citizens.
Finally, I offer my best wishes to you as you seek to foster a Taiwanese society in
which all citizens can pursue their goals and dreams and live their daily lives in an
atmosphere free from fear and oppression. I hope you continue to be strong and
courageous in your pursuits, resisting any and all attempts to deny your basic human
rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom
to petition, and freedom of the press. I also hope your movement will seek to achieve
its worthy goals, as much as possible without compromising the essential quest for
liberty and democracy, in a spirit of cooperation and inclusion and harmony with all
other citizens of Taiwan, including those with whom you may have disagreements at
this time, while remembering that it is not only the right but also the responsibility of citizens in a democracy to speak out against and non-violently resist any attempts by government to suppress or revoke such rights.
A letter to WS students from Prof. Leigh
Sent: Monday, December 1, 2008 12:25:22 AM
From: James Leigh
Professor Emeritus in the College of Education
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri, USA
Dear Students:
I recently returned to the United States from a visit to your beautiful country,
where I had the opportunity to talk with other professors and students about my
professional work and interests related to the field of education. Even though the
purpose of my trip was entirely nonpolitical, during my visit I learned about the
Taiwan Wild Strawberries Movement, and I have read with interest the November 10
protest statement and many of the other postings on the TW Action website. After
returning to the U.S., I have been invited to share some of my thoughts and opinions
with you concerning the goals and activities of your movement.
Although the history and culture of our countries are quite different, when I was a
university student in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, there was a great amount of
unrest and turmoil in the U.S. between large numbers of university students and
faculty and others in the American society on the one hand, and staunch supporters of
government, military, and police authorities on the other hand. The protests and
demonstrations focused primarily on disagreement over U.S. policy relating to the
Vietnam war, but also grew to encompass opposing perspectives about other aspects
of American values and culture. Even though the Vietnam war ended long ago, there
are still lingering divisions and resentments harbored by many U.S. citizens as a result of the polarization and conflict from that era. I believe that some of that residual distrust and misunderstanding is now apparent in the socio-political distinction between “red” states and “blue” states in America, which in some respects is not unlike the designation of “blue” and “green” parties today in your country.
I cannot pretend to be well-versed in Taiwanese history and culture and its
complex relationship with the People’s Republic of China, so I will abstain from
offering judgments and specific recommendations regarding your current situation
other than to state that, as I understand it, your purpose appears to be not only just but noble insofar as it intends to protect and advance the cause of democracy and independence in your country. Of course, this position is to be expected from a
citizen of the country that declared its own independence in the words, “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ...” This statement maintains that the members of your movement, and indeed all citizens of Taiwan, already have the rights that you advocate by virtue of being human. You are not asking any government to confer such rights that you already possess, but rather your goal is to ensure that your government recognizes and protects those rights.
Since I am not in a position to provide suggestions regarding the particular
strategies and resources your movement should employ toward this goal, I will simply
offer some thoughts to consider based upon my observations of and participation in
protest movements in my own country. For example, one important lesson I learned
is that people are seldom persuaded to a point of view by physical confrontation or
loud and emotionally-charged argument. If anything, such tactics generally produce
a defensive posture in philosophical adversaries, and often are regarded as rude and
arrogant and potentially dangerous by neutral individuals who otherwise might be
open to the message if it had been offered in a less threatening manner. Many of the
violent clashes between student groups and police in the U.S. in the 1960’s were
counterproductive, even though the students’ cause was worthwhile, because so many
citizens were repulsed by what they perceived as the mindless destruction of property, disruption of civil order, injuries, and sometimes even the tragic and needless loss of life.
As you pursue your purpose, I would encourage each of you to remember the
words of Martin Luther King as he wrote from a jail in Birmingham, Alabama: "We
are caught in an inescapable web of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny.
Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." If this statement is true, as I believe it to be, the implication is that we must resist the politics of division and hatred in which our only concern and empathy is with those who support and join our cause, and in which others are regarded as enemies to be overcome. This does not mean that you should defer to or attempt to appease the opponents of democracy in your country, but rather that you should remember that it is their positions and policies that you seek to defeat, and not the people themselves. The implication of this distinction is that the fundamental humanity of all people must be respected, which rules out the use of violence or any form of degrading or demeaning attack, even in words, directed toward those with whom you disagree at this time.
Undoubtedly, you have already found that some of your members are well-versed
in the more substantive conceptual aspects of freedom and democracy and human
rights, while other members may only be caught up in their sense of the excitement
and adventure of rebellion and supporting a cause. Many who participated in various
American protest movements were well-informed and committed to their causes, but
it is also true that many were simply bored or dissatisfied young people for whom the
demonstrations and confrontations provided an outlet for their personal frustrations or a source of entertainment and a sense of belonging that they otherwise lacked in their lives.
In order to convince adversaries to listen to one’s perspective, it is necessary to be willing also to listen to and learn about their perspective. Positions and policies are not defeated by how loud and angry our voices of protest can be, but rather by how logical and convincing our reason is in undermining those positions and policies. In other words, to refute an idea, it is first necessary to understand it, which means learning about its background and history and the motives of those who subscribe to it and the positive and negative implications of adhering to that idea. Only then does it become possible to argue against the idea in a systematic, rational, and powerful manner that will appeal to those who are willing to consider differing perspectives.
Accordingly, perhaps your movement will provide an opportunity for your student
leaders also to serve as teachers, providing an education beyond university walls for
many Taiwanese citizens and future political leaders. Many great thinkers before you
have grappled with the notions of freedom and democracy and independence; authors
as diverse as Aristotle, Thomas Jefferson, Voltaire, Walt Whitman, G. K. Chesterton,
John Kennedy, Ghandi, Paulo Freire, Allen Ginsberg, Noam Chomsky and countless
others have shared their thoughts about such ideals, and you can read and study their
eloquent words today for guidance and inspiration and to translate and share with
your fellow citizens.
Finally, I offer my best wishes to you as you seek to foster a Taiwanese society in
which all citizens can pursue their goals and dreams and live their daily lives in an
atmosphere free from fear and oppression. I hope you continue to be strong and
courageous in your pursuits, resisting any and all attempts to deny your basic human
rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom
to petition, and freedom of the press. I also hope your movement will seek to achieve
its worthy goals, as much as possible without compromising the essential quest for
liberty and democracy, in a spirit of cooperation and inclusion and harmony with all
other citizens of Taiwan, including those with whom you may have disagreements at
this time, while remembering that it is not only the right but also the responsibility of citizens in a democracy to speak out against and non-violently resist any attempts by government to suppress or revoke such rights.
Fallout from Chen Shui-bian's dramatic arrest
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11:51 PM
By Melinda Liu
【譯註】因版權關係,本譯文業經刪節 (譯:黃南瀛)
中國否認對台灣施壓逮捕陳前總統。他因被控在任期間,盜用公款、洗錢、收賄及偽造文書而遭逮捕。陳水扁長期反對與中國統一,指控其繼任者馬總統下令將他收押,以取悅中國領導階層。他還沒被審判,但可能被羈押最多四個月以便偵查,如新聞週刊Duncan Hewitt報導,此案凸顯台灣政治分歧逐漸加劇。
不僅傳統民進黨支持者提出類此警告,在陳水扁被羈押前的上個星期, 20位國際知名亞洲專家,包括賓州大學教授林蔚(Arthur Waldron)、澳洲蒙那許大學教授Bruce Jacobs、邁阿密大學教授金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer),及前遠東經濟評論台北特派員Julian Baum等人共同發表史無前例的公開信【譯注:請參閱http://blog.yam.com/modernhippie/article /18059774】表達嚴重關切台灣檢察官的行為。該公開信指出,「台灣一直有貪污事件,且兩個政治陣營皆有。」他們表示,近期收押事件帶來國民黨政府「藉司法制度報復前民進黨政府官員」的印象。指出檢察官在被指控者未被正式起訴情況之下就被收押禁見,「嚴重違反了人身保護令以及正當法律程序、公義與法治。」他們也指責檢察官很明顯地將相關不利消息透露給媒體,是「透過媒體辦案」;在八零年代後期與九零年早期成功轉型為民主的成就,將因這些行動而破壞。
在台灣民主時期,類此駁回事件甚為罕見。當抗議者試圖示威時,他們遭警察毆打,導致逾100人受傷,並震驚許多人,認為台灣社會變得殘忍。台北的法國當代中國研究中心主任 Frank Muyard指出,「自李前總統在民主轉型期間完全掌權後,16年來台灣未見警察使用武力對付和平抗議者。」
這些事件讓這個長久分歧的社會因為馬英九造成的政治緊張而更動盪。「陳水扁是非常具爭議的人物」法國當代中國研究中心主任 Frank Muyard指出:「民眾希望馬英九會多點善意,認為他是溫和、有教養的好人,有助於凝聚台灣,以及做些促進和好的事,但他並不這麼做,現在許多人認為他與中國是一夥的,過於討好中國,他們不相信他能護衛台灣的主權。」
Fallout from Chen Shui-Bian's Dramatic Arrest
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11:51 PM
By Melinda Liu
China has denied that it put pressure on Taiwan to arrest former President Chen Shui-bian, who's been arrested, accused of embezzlement, money laundering, taking bribes, and forging documents while in office. Chen, a long time opponent of reunification with Beijing, accused his successor Ma Ying-jeou of ordering his detention to curry favour with mainland China’s leaders. He has yet to be charged, but may be held for up to four months while prosecutors prepare their case against him. As Newsweek’s Duncan Hewitt writes, the case highlights growing political rifts in Taiwan over relations with China:
The detention of Chen Shui-bian on corruption charges, coming so soon after new president Ma Ying-jeou signed accords authorizing historic direct shipping links with mainland China, could be seen as yet another victory for Mr Ma and his Kuomintang party (KMT), as they seek to consolidate power after eight years in opposition. But in practice, Mr Chen’s detention is likely to highlight political tensions which have growing in Taiwan since President Ma’s accession in May this year.
Hopes that Mr Ma, a Harvard-educated lawyer seen as relatively moderate, would bring consensus to a society long fragmented over attitudes towards reunification with the mainland, have been shattered. Polls have shown his popularity plunging from some 60% to around 23% in late October. There is undoubtedly much public anger in Taiwan towards Chen Shui-bian, who has admitted breaking the law by not fully disclosing campaign donations -- but the arrests of seven other figures associated with his Democratic Progressive Party, also in connection with corruption allegations, over the past few months, have led to fears being raised about the independence of Taiwan’s judiciary under the new leadership.
Such warnings have not just come from traditional DPP supporters. Last week, before Mr Chen’s arrest, twenty prominent international Asia specialists, including Professors Arthur Waldron of the University of Pennsylvania, Bruce Jacobs of Monash University and June Teufel Dreyer of the University of Miami, along with former Far Eastern Economic Review Taipei correspondent Julian Baum, issued an unprecedented open letter expressing “deep concern” at the behaviour of Taiwanese prosecutors. “It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan,” they wrote, “but these have occurred in both political camps.” The recent detentions, they said, had created an impression that the KMT authorities “are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government.” They accused prosecutors of “a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law,” by holding several detainees incommunicado without being charged, and of “trial by press” by leaking detrimental information to the media. They suggested that such actions were jeopardizing the achievements of Taiwan’s transition from one party rule (by the KMT) to democracy in the late 1980s and early 90s.
Allegations of a regression to past authoritarianism also surfaced last week, when China’s top negotiator, Chen Yunlin, visited Taiwan to sign the historic accords allowing direct air, postal and shipping links between Taiwan and the mainland. There is actually a fairly broad consensus of support in Taiwan for the opening of such links – indeed most of the details of the accords were negotiated when Chen Shui-bian and the DPP were still in power. But final agreement could not be reached back then because Mr Chen would not accept China’s demand that he must first accept Beijing’s “One China” concept (which basically means accepting that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides will one day be reunified, even if they differ on the exact means to achieve this.)
But President Ma’s approach to the visit of Chen Yunlin, the most senior mainland official to visit Taiwan for six decades, seemed calculated to upset his opponents. Critics accused him of bending over backwards to “give face” to the mainland delegation: the official flag of Taiwan, which Beijing does not recognise, was not flown at the presidential palace when Mr Chen visited; the President was addressed by the mainland delegation as plain Mr Ma, since Beijing does not recognise his presidential status. Equally controversially, would-be protesters were refused permission to stage demonstrations against Mr Chen’s visit.
Such refusals are rare in Taiwan’s democratic era – and when protesters did try to demonstrate anyway, they were met with police beatings that left over 100 people injured and shocked many who thought Taiwanese society had turned its back on such brutality. “People were very upset,” says Frank Muyard, Director of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China in Taipei. “For the police to use force against peaceful protesters is something which hasn’t been seen in Taiwan for perhaps 16 years, since before [former President] Lee Teng-hui took full power during the transition to democracy.”
Public anger spilled over, leading to chaotic scenes when Chen Yunlin was prevented from leaving his hotel for hours by furious demonstrators. Students and academics seeking to protest peacefully at the government’s handling of the affair were also dispersed by police, leading to an open letter by 500 academics calling for the right to free speech to be protected, and for a probe into police violence. The English-language Taipei Times newspaper, while criticising leaders of the opposition DPP for not discussing plans for Chen Yunlin’s visit with the government in advance, accused Ma and the KMT of ‘reverting to time-dishonored tactics reminiscent of the Martial Law era.”
“Deploying 7,000 police officers over a four-day period and restricting the public’s freedom of movement were a recipe for disaster,” it said in an editorial, adding that Mr Ma “either misjudged public opinion, showing how ineffective he is as the nation’s top decision-maker, or he didn’t care about the political ramifications of his actions — at least not in Taiwan.”
Critics accused him of grandstanding by turning Chen Yunlin’s visit into such a big event – when the accords could have been signed with much less fanfare and public fallout – and of alienating anyone with doubts about closer ties with the Chinese mainland. This was highlighted on Tuesday when an 80-year \-old man, claiming to be a long-standing KMT member, set himself on fire in central Taipei, in protest at what he said was excessive police brutality against marchers carrying Taiwan’s official flag during Mr Chen’s visit; he was taken to hospital with third degree burns over 80% of his body.
These events have left a society long used to fragmentation - where most academics, analysts and media organisations are on one side or the other of the political divide – still reeling at the increase in political tension under President Ma: “Chen Shui-bian was a very divisive figure,” says Frank Muyard of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China. “People hoped Ma would be more conciliatory – they saw him as a gentle, well-educated, nice person who would help Taiwan come together and do something for reconciliation. But he hasn’t done that. Now many people see him as partisan, too eager to please China – they don’t trust him to defend Taiwan’s sovereignty.”
For the mainland government, which has reported the opening of cross-strait links with great fanfare as a ‘win-win’ situation for both sides, there’s a clear degree of satisfaction in seeing Chen Shui-bian under arrest. Beijing despised him for his background in Taiwan’s pro-independence movement of the 1970s and 80s. “Chen Shui-bian in handcuffs” was the banner headline in the popular nationalist tabloid newspaper the Global Times on Wednesday. And for months China’s state-run media has revelled in reporting every detail of the various allegations of corruption against Mr Chen, his wife and associates (in marked contrast to the minimal amount of detail it gave in the corruption case of another Chen, former Communist Party Secretary of Shanghai Chen Liangyu, who was jailed for eighteen years in April.)
Ma Ying-jeou’s popularity with China’s leaders, on the other hand, is clearly at an all-time high: as well as agreeing to direct links and the One China principle, he has also relaxed restrictions which prevented Taiwanese companies from investing more than 40% of their assets in the mainland, further boosting economic ties. Yet recent events suggest his actions may also risk provoking a deeper anti-mainland backlash, at the very moment when physical links between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have become closer than ever.
文章出處:找尋美麗的小北海道in Taiwan
Fallout from Chen Shui-bian's dramatic arrest
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11:51 PM
By Melinda Liu
【譯註】因版權關係,本譯文業經刪節 (譯:黃南瀛)
中國否認對台灣施壓逮捕陳前總統。他因被控在任期間,盜用公款、洗錢、收賄及偽造文書而遭逮捕。陳水扁長期反對與中國統一,指控其繼任者馬總統下令將他收押,以取悅中國領導階層。他還沒被審判,但可能被羈押最多四個月以便偵查,如新聞週刊Duncan Hewitt報導,此案凸顯台灣政治分歧逐漸加劇。
不僅傳統民進黨支持者提出類此警告,在陳水扁被羈押前的上個星期, 20位國際知名亞洲專家,包括賓州大學教授林蔚(Arthur Waldron)、澳洲蒙那許大學教授Bruce Jacobs、邁阿密大學教授金德芳(June Teufel Dreyer),及前遠東經濟評論台北特派員Julian Baum等人共同發表史無前例的公開信【譯注:請參閱http://blog.yam.com/modernhippie/article /18059774】表達嚴重關切台灣檢察官的行為。該公開信指出,「台灣一直有貪污事件,且兩個政治陣營皆有。」他們表示,近期收押事件帶來國民黨政府「藉司法制度報復前民進黨政府官員」的印象。指出檢察官在被指控者未被正式起訴情況之下就被收押禁見,「嚴重違反了人身保護令以及正當法律程序、公義與法治。」他們也指責檢察官很明顯地將相關不利消息透露給媒體,是「透過媒體辦案」;在八零年代後期與九零年早期成功轉型為民主的成就,將因這些行動而破壞。
在台灣民主時期,類此駁回事件甚為罕見。當抗議者試圖示威時,他們遭警察毆打,導致逾100人受傷,並震驚許多人,認為台灣社會變得殘忍。台北的法國當代中國研究中心主任 Frank Muyard指出,「自李前總統在民主轉型期間完全掌權後,16年來台灣未見警察使用武力對付和平抗議者。」
這些事件讓這個長久分歧的社會因為馬英九造成的政治緊張而更動盪。「陳水扁是非常具爭議的人物」法國當代中國研究中心主任 Frank Muyard指出:「民眾希望馬英九會多點善意,認為他是溫和、有教養的好人,有助於凝聚台灣,以及做些促進和好的事,但他並不這麼做,現在許多人認為他與中國是一夥的,過於討好中國,他們不相信他能護衛台灣的主權。」
Fallout from Chen Shui-Bian's Dramatic Arrest
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 11:51 PM
By Melinda Liu
China has denied that it put pressure on Taiwan to arrest former President Chen Shui-bian, who's been arrested, accused of embezzlement, money laundering, taking bribes, and forging documents while in office. Chen, a long time opponent of reunification with Beijing, accused his successor Ma Ying-jeou of ordering his detention to curry favour with mainland China’s leaders. He has yet to be charged, but may be held for up to four months while prosecutors prepare their case against him. As Newsweek’s Duncan Hewitt writes, the case highlights growing political rifts in Taiwan over relations with China:
The detention of Chen Shui-bian on corruption charges, coming so soon after new president Ma Ying-jeou signed accords authorizing historic direct shipping links with mainland China, could be seen as yet another victory for Mr Ma and his Kuomintang party (KMT), as they seek to consolidate power after eight years in opposition. But in practice, Mr Chen’s detention is likely to highlight political tensions which have growing in Taiwan since President Ma’s accession in May this year.
Hopes that Mr Ma, a Harvard-educated lawyer seen as relatively moderate, would bring consensus to a society long fragmented over attitudes towards reunification with the mainland, have been shattered. Polls have shown his popularity plunging from some 60% to around 23% in late October. There is undoubtedly much public anger in Taiwan towards Chen Shui-bian, who has admitted breaking the law by not fully disclosing campaign donations -- but the arrests of seven other figures associated with his Democratic Progressive Party, also in connection with corruption allegations, over the past few months, have led to fears being raised about the independence of Taiwan’s judiciary under the new leadership.
Such warnings have not just come from traditional DPP supporters. Last week, before Mr Chen’s arrest, twenty prominent international Asia specialists, including Professors Arthur Waldron of the University of Pennsylvania, Bruce Jacobs of Monash University and June Teufel Dreyer of the University of Miami, along with former Far Eastern Economic Review Taipei correspondent Julian Baum, issued an unprecedented open letter expressing “deep concern” at the behaviour of Taiwanese prosecutors. “It is obvious that there have been cases of corruption in Taiwan,” they wrote, “but these have occurred in both political camps.” The recent detentions, they said, had created an impression that the KMT authorities “are using the judicial system to get even with members of the former DPP government.” They accused prosecutors of “a basic violation of due process, justice and the rule of law,” by holding several detainees incommunicado without being charged, and of “trial by press” by leaking detrimental information to the media. They suggested that such actions were jeopardizing the achievements of Taiwan’s transition from one party rule (by the KMT) to democracy in the late 1980s and early 90s.
Allegations of a regression to past authoritarianism also surfaced last week, when China’s top negotiator, Chen Yunlin, visited Taiwan to sign the historic accords allowing direct air, postal and shipping links between Taiwan and the mainland. There is actually a fairly broad consensus of support in Taiwan for the opening of such links – indeed most of the details of the accords were negotiated when Chen Shui-bian and the DPP were still in power. But final agreement could not be reached back then because Mr Chen would not accept China’s demand that he must first accept Beijing’s “One China” concept (which basically means accepting that Taiwan is part of China and the two sides will one day be reunified, even if they differ on the exact means to achieve this.)
But President Ma’s approach to the visit of Chen Yunlin, the most senior mainland official to visit Taiwan for six decades, seemed calculated to upset his opponents. Critics accused him of bending over backwards to “give face” to the mainland delegation: the official flag of Taiwan, which Beijing does not recognise, was not flown at the presidential palace when Mr Chen visited; the President was addressed by the mainland delegation as plain Mr Ma, since Beijing does not recognise his presidential status. Equally controversially, would-be protesters were refused permission to stage demonstrations against Mr Chen’s visit.
Such refusals are rare in Taiwan’s democratic era – and when protesters did try to demonstrate anyway, they were met with police beatings that left over 100 people injured and shocked many who thought Taiwanese society had turned its back on such brutality. “People were very upset,” says Frank Muyard, Director of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China in Taipei. “For the police to use force against peaceful protesters is something which hasn’t been seen in Taiwan for perhaps 16 years, since before [former President] Lee Teng-hui took full power during the transition to democracy.”
Public anger spilled over, leading to chaotic scenes when Chen Yunlin was prevented from leaving his hotel for hours by furious demonstrators. Students and academics seeking to protest peacefully at the government’s handling of the affair were also dispersed by police, leading to an open letter by 500 academics calling for the right to free speech to be protected, and for a probe into police violence. The English-language Taipei Times newspaper, while criticising leaders of the opposition DPP for not discussing plans for Chen Yunlin’s visit with the government in advance, accused Ma and the KMT of ‘reverting to time-dishonored tactics reminiscent of the Martial Law era.”
“Deploying 7,000 police officers over a four-day period and restricting the public’s freedom of movement were a recipe for disaster,” it said in an editorial, adding that Mr Ma “either misjudged public opinion, showing how ineffective he is as the nation’s top decision-maker, or he didn’t care about the political ramifications of his actions — at least not in Taiwan.”
Critics accused him of grandstanding by turning Chen Yunlin’s visit into such a big event – when the accords could have been signed with much less fanfare and public fallout – and of alienating anyone with doubts about closer ties with the Chinese mainland. This was highlighted on Tuesday when an 80-year \-old man, claiming to be a long-standing KMT member, set himself on fire in central Taipei, in protest at what he said was excessive police brutality against marchers carrying Taiwan’s official flag during Mr Chen’s visit; he was taken to hospital with third degree burns over 80% of his body.
These events have left a society long used to fragmentation - where most academics, analysts and media organisations are on one side or the other of the political divide – still reeling at the increase in political tension under President Ma: “Chen Shui-bian was a very divisive figure,” says Frank Muyard of the French Centre for Research on Contemporary China. “People hoped Ma would be more conciliatory – they saw him as a gentle, well-educated, nice person who would help Taiwan come together and do something for reconciliation. But he hasn’t done that. Now many people see him as partisan, too eager to please China – they don’t trust him to defend Taiwan’s sovereignty.”
For the mainland government, which has reported the opening of cross-strait links with great fanfare as a ‘win-win’ situation for both sides, there’s a clear degree of satisfaction in seeing Chen Shui-bian under arrest. Beijing despised him for his background in Taiwan’s pro-independence movement of the 1970s and 80s. “Chen Shui-bian in handcuffs” was the banner headline in the popular nationalist tabloid newspaper the Global Times on Wednesday. And for months China’s state-run media has revelled in reporting every detail of the various allegations of corruption against Mr Chen, his wife and associates (in marked contrast to the minimal amount of detail it gave in the corruption case of another Chen, former Communist Party Secretary of Shanghai Chen Liangyu, who was jailed for eighteen years in April.)
Ma Ying-jeou’s popularity with China’s leaders, on the other hand, is clearly at an all-time high: as well as agreeing to direct links and the One China principle, he has also relaxed restrictions which prevented Taiwanese companies from investing more than 40% of their assets in the mainland, further boosting economic ties. Yet recent events suggest his actions may also risk provoking a deeper anti-mainland backlash, at the very moment when physical links between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits have become closer than ever.
文章出處:找尋美麗的小北海道in Taiwan
孔傑榮專欄─陳雲林旋風 颳人權問題
2008.11.13 中國時報
2008.11.13 中國時報
Freedom House Calls for Inquiry into Taiwan Clashes
November 20, 2008
Freedom House urges Taiwan's government to create an independent commission to thoroughly investigate clashes between police and activists protesting Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin's historic visit and recommend needed reforms.
"A public investigation of the violence—which involved both sides—will send a critical message that the new government of President Ma Ying-jeou is interested in upholding the democratic values of transparency and accountability," said Jennifer Windsor, Freedom House executive director. "The inquiry should examine evidence on both sides and recommend any needed reforms to police practices and the legal framework governing demonstrations."
Hundreds of university students are currently staging a sit-in in Taipei's Freedom Square and several other cities to protest the government's handling of the incident. During Chen’s visit, police reportedly used heavy-handed tactics—including physical assault, arbitrary detention and destruction of property—to prevent Chen from seeing symbols of Taiwanese or Tibetan independence, as well as broader demonstrations against the Chinese regime. Demonstrators also employed violence against police, throwing rocks and petrol bombs outside Chen's hotel on November 6.
數百名的大學生現在正在台北的自由廣場和其他城市,以靜坐的方式來抗議政府 對這些事件的處理方式。在陳雲林來台訪問期間,根據報導警方使用壓制性的手段:包括侵犯人身的攻擊、強制拘留以及損毀物品,來防止陳雲林看見台獨或藏獨的標誌,還有反對中國政權的各種示威抗議。示威者也在11月6日對警方施以暴力,在陳雲林下榻的飯店外面丟擲石頭和汽油彈。
The clashes reveal a need for police to undergo crowd control training that adheres to the standards used in other democracies. Likewise, demonstrators and political advocacy groups must recommit themselves to orderly protests that avoid violence under any circumstances.
The inquiry commission should examine controversial passages in Taiwan's Assembly and Parade Law, such as restrictions on where people are allowed to demonstrate, and determine whether they need to be liberalized to protect citizens' rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The commission should also investigate claims that police are selectively enforcing the law.
The visit by Chen, the most senior Chinese official to visit Taiwan since it split from China in 1949, and the recent arrests of several opposition party figures are raising concerns that that President Ma and his Kuomintang Party may rollback democratic freedoms.
"The government must renew its commitment to tolerating robust freedom of assembly and peaceful protest, no matter what the cause," said Windsor.
Taiwan is ranked Free in the 2008 edition of Freedom in the World, Freedom House's survey of political rights and civil liberties, and in the 2008 version of Freedom of the Press.
在2008年版的「世界自由」(Freedom in the World)和2008年版的「新聞報導自由」(Freedom of the Press)中,自由之家對於政治權利和人民自由度的調查,台灣都是被評比為自由。
For more information on Taiwan, visit:
Freedom in the World 2008: Taiwan
Freedom of the Press 2008: Taiwan
Freedom House, an independent nongovernmental organization that supports the expansion of freedom in the world, has been monitoring political rights and civil liberties in Taiwan since 1972.
November 20, 2008
Freedom House urges Taiwan's government to create an independent commission to thoroughly investigate clashes between police and activists protesting Chinese envoy Chen Yunlin's historic visit and recommend needed reforms.
"A public investigation of the violence—which involved both sides—will send a critical message that the new government of President Ma Ying-jeou is interested in upholding the democratic values of transparency and accountability," said Jennifer Windsor, Freedom House executive director. "The inquiry should examine evidence on both sides and recommend any needed reforms to police practices and the legal framework governing demonstrations."
Hundreds of university students are currently staging a sit-in in Taipei's Freedom Square and several other cities to protest the government's handling of the incident. During Chen’s visit, police reportedly used heavy-handed tactics—including physical assault, arbitrary detention and destruction of property—to prevent Chen from seeing symbols of Taiwanese or Tibetan independence, as well as broader demonstrations against the Chinese regime. Demonstrators also employed violence against police, throwing rocks and petrol bombs outside Chen's hotel on November 6.
數百名的大學生現在正在台北的自由廣場和其他城市,以靜坐的方式來抗議政府 對這些事件的處理方式。在陳雲林來台訪問期間,根據報導警方使用壓制性的手段:包括侵犯人身的攻擊、強制拘留以及損毀物品,來防止陳雲林看見台獨或藏獨的標誌,還有反對中國政權的各種示威抗議。示威者也在11月6日對警方施以暴力,在陳雲林下榻的飯店外面丟擲石頭和汽油彈。
The clashes reveal a need for police to undergo crowd control training that adheres to the standards used in other democracies. Likewise, demonstrators and political advocacy groups must recommit themselves to orderly protests that avoid violence under any circumstances.
The inquiry commission should examine controversial passages in Taiwan's Assembly and Parade Law, such as restrictions on where people are allowed to demonstrate, and determine whether they need to be liberalized to protect citizens' rights to freedom of expression and assembly. The commission should also investigate claims that police are selectively enforcing the law.
The visit by Chen, the most senior Chinese official to visit Taiwan since it split from China in 1949, and the recent arrests of several opposition party figures are raising concerns that that President Ma and his Kuomintang Party may rollback democratic freedoms.
"The government must renew its commitment to tolerating robust freedom of assembly and peaceful protest, no matter what the cause," said Windsor.
Taiwan is ranked Free in the 2008 edition of Freedom in the World, Freedom House's survey of political rights and civil liberties, and in the 2008 version of Freedom of the Press.
在2008年版的「世界自由」(Freedom in the World)和2008年版的「新聞報導自由」(Freedom of the Press)中,自由之家對於政治權利和人民自由度的調查,台灣都是被評比為自由。
For more information on Taiwan, visit:
Freedom in the World 2008: Taiwan
Freedom of the Press 2008: Taiwan
Freedom House, an independent nongovernmental organization that supports the expansion of freedom in the world, has been monitoring political rights and civil liberties in Taiwan since 1972.
FIDH會長 Souhayr Belhassen
Thursday 20 November 2008
Deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin
Open letter to
* President Ma Ying-jeou
* Premier Liu Chao-hsuan
* Republic of China – Taiwan
Your Excellencies,
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is writing to you to express its deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin. FIDH believes that such arrests and violence are grave violations of human rights, under the pretext of national security.
According to the information received, since November 3rd, 2008, the city of Taipei has been heavily occupied by more than 7,000 police officers. The authorities have taken many drastic measures, including: confiscating and damaging private property, harassing and assaulting people who came too close to undefined or vaguely defined areas, clearing communal highway lanes with force, conducting random searches and arrests, and restricting the freedom of movement of citizens. These actions have been taken during Mr. CHEN’s visit, in the name of protecting security.
However, we fear these aggressions in fact aim at suppressing the right to freedom of expression of citizens. To supplement this violence, there are also unprecedented restrictions which clearly overpass the limits of ensuring security. For example, citizens have been restricted from displaying or carrying the national flag of Taiwan, forbidden to declare that “Taiwan is not part of China”, forbidden from carrying filming devices, and restricted from playing any music the authorities consider inappropriate.
These measures seem to be aimed at silencing political opinions rather than protecting security, and thus they blatantly violate the Constitution of Taiwan, notably Articles 11 and 14 which protect freedom of expression and international human rights standards. Consequently, FIDH requests that the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau, bound by the Constitution and the national legislation, should be held responsible for violating their legal obligations. The Judicial Yuan and Control Yuan should immediately conduct independent and impartial investigations into all allegations of human rights violations and hold all personnel in office accountable for neglecting their civil and legal obligations, in line with the Judicial Yuan’s recent statement that “it is very important to form an objective and solid review standard, and make the constitutional reviews more predictable and trust-worthy to people”. Those who perpetrated these violations, particularly in the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau, must be held accountable, in accordance with Article 24 of the Constitution of Taiwan, which stipulates that “Any public employee who, in violation of law, infringes upon the freedom or right of any person shall, in addition to being subject to disciplinary punishment in accordance with law, be liable to criminal and civil action. The victim may, in accordance with law, claim damages from the State for any injury sustained therefrom.”
More generally, FIDH calls upon the government to amend the Parade and Assembly Law, in particular : to abolish the requirement for mandatory permits and adopt the system of voluntary basis and the clause on special area of restriction, which gives too much discretion to the authority to restrict people’s freedom of association and freedom of expression. In addition the authorities should abolish the order to dismiss as well as the provisions on special criminal punishment, which is a legacy of the martial law era. Finally, Taiwan should establish the protocol for law enforcement personnel who should have the obligation to clearly announce his or her identity when on duty, to ensure legitimacy and accountability.
Your Excellencies,
Our Organization firmly believes that the fruit of Taiwan’s remarkable democratization has landmark significance to the Asian continent as a whole. We therefore express our serious concern over the alarming human rights degradation in Taiwan, and we do take it as a signal of a negative trend undermining the values of democracy and human rights on which Taiwan should be based. Hoping that you will take into consideration the above mentioned concerns, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Souhayr Belhassen
* FIDH President
FIDH會長 Souhayr Belhassen
Thursday 20 November 2008
Deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin
Open letter to
* President Ma Ying-jeou
* Premier Liu Chao-hsuan
* Republic of China – Taiwan
Your Excellencies,
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) is writing to you to express its deep concern regarding the detention and attacks against citizens protesting peacefully during the visit of Chinese envoy Mr. CHEN Yunlin. FIDH believes that such arrests and violence are grave violations of human rights, under the pretext of national security.
According to the information received, since November 3rd, 2008, the city of Taipei has been heavily occupied by more than 7,000 police officers. The authorities have taken many drastic measures, including: confiscating and damaging private property, harassing and assaulting people who came too close to undefined or vaguely defined areas, clearing communal highway lanes with force, conducting random searches and arrests, and restricting the freedom of movement of citizens. These actions have been taken during Mr. CHEN’s visit, in the name of protecting security.
However, we fear these aggressions in fact aim at suppressing the right to freedom of expression of citizens. To supplement this violence, there are also unprecedented restrictions which clearly overpass the limits of ensuring security. For example, citizens have been restricted from displaying or carrying the national flag of Taiwan, forbidden to declare that “Taiwan is not part of China”, forbidden from carrying filming devices, and restricted from playing any music the authorities consider inappropriate.
These measures seem to be aimed at silencing political opinions rather than protecting security, and thus they blatantly violate the Constitution of Taiwan, notably Articles 11 and 14 which protect freedom of expression and international human rights standards. Consequently, FIDH requests that the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau, bound by the Constitution and the national legislation, should be held responsible for violating their legal obligations. The Judicial Yuan and Control Yuan should immediately conduct independent and impartial investigations into all allegations of human rights violations and hold all personnel in office accountable for neglecting their civil and legal obligations, in line with the Judicial Yuan’s recent statement that “it is very important to form an objective and solid review standard, and make the constitutional reviews more predictable and trust-worthy to people”. Those who perpetrated these violations, particularly in the National Police Agency and National Security Bureau, must be held accountable, in accordance with Article 24 of the Constitution of Taiwan, which stipulates that “Any public employee who, in violation of law, infringes upon the freedom or right of any person shall, in addition to being subject to disciplinary punishment in accordance with law, be liable to criminal and civil action. The victim may, in accordance with law, claim damages from the State for any injury sustained therefrom.”
More generally, FIDH calls upon the government to amend the Parade and Assembly Law, in particular : to abolish the requirement for mandatory permits and adopt the system of voluntary basis and the clause on special area of restriction, which gives too much discretion to the authority to restrict people’s freedom of association and freedom of expression. In addition the authorities should abolish the order to dismiss as well as the provisions on special criminal punishment, which is a legacy of the martial law era. Finally, Taiwan should establish the protocol for law enforcement personnel who should have the obligation to clearly announce his or her identity when on duty, to ensure legitimacy and accountability.
Your Excellencies,
Our Organization firmly believes that the fruit of Taiwan’s remarkable democratization has landmark significance to the Asian continent as a whole. We therefore express our serious concern over the alarming human rights degradation in Taiwan, and we do take it as a signal of a negative trend undermining the values of democracy and human rights on which Taiwan should be based. Hoping that you will take into consideration the above mentioned concerns, I remain,
Yours sincerely,
Souhayr Belhassen
* FIDH President
AI Index: ASA 38/001/2008
Taiwan: Police should avoid using excessive force at upcoming protests
AI Index: ASA 38/001/2008
3 December 2008
Amnesty International has urged Taiwan’s police force to comply with
international guidelines on the use of force and crowd control at the
planned student protests on Sunday 7 December.
The organization also joins calls for the Control Yuan, the body
mandated by the Taiwan Constitution with supervisory power over the
Executive branch, to conduct an independent inquiry into alleged
excessive police force during November’s protests.
The Wild Strawberry Student Movement has staged sit-ins since 6
November to protest against what they consider the use of excessive
force during the Taiwan visit of Chen Yunlin, chairman of the
China-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait. Civil
society groups in Taiwan are investigating multiple claims that
individuals suffered head injuries and broken fingers at the hands of
police during the protests.
According to police reports on 8 November, approximately 10,000 police
officers had been deployed during Chen’s visit; 149 police officers
and 200-300 individuals were injured; 18 were arrested.
Taiwanese civil society groups claim that police have applied the
Assembly and Parade Law arbitrarily to silence dissent. According to
the students’ spokesperson, they will not seek police approval, as
required by the law, but will only “report” their plans to law
enforcement authorities, in line with amendments advocated by the
The Movement is organizing the protest on Sunday 7 December to
criticize the government’s failure to amend the Assembly and Parade
Amnesty International said Taiwan’s Control Yuan should address the
serious concerns raised by civil society in Taiwan and the government
should cease the practice of using the Assembly and Parade Law to deny
freedom of assembly and allow individuals to protest peacefully.
Amnesty International also called on Taiwanese police and judicial
authorities to ensure that they investigate any protesters accused of
engaging in violence in a fair, transparent, and timely manner in
compliance with international standards.
On 3-7 November 2008, Chen Yunlin, chairman of the Association for
Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, led a 60-member delegation from
the People’s Republic of China to visit Taiwan and meet with President
Ma Ying-jeou.
The police barred protesters displaying Taiwanese and Tibetan flags
and anti-China slogans along the routes taken by the envoy and
confiscated or damaged some of these items. The police also closed a
shop near the hotel where Chen Yunlin had dinner with Kuomintang
honorary chairman Lien Chan when the shop loudly broadcast music from
an album titled ‘Songs of Taiwan’.
There were additional reports of arbitrary detention and police
brutality, some of which, according to the police, were in response to
the violence of protesters.
Following the visit, hundreds of students have staged sit-ins across
Taiwan protesting the police’s handling of the protests and demanding
amendments to the Assembly and Parade Law, which has been misused to
prevent protests.
On 6 November the students started their sit-ins outside the offices
of the Executive Yuan, where they were eventually removed by police on
the grounds of illegal assembly. They continued the sit-ins at the
National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall and organized a daily
demonstration calling for immediate amendments to the Assembly and
Parade Law, apologies from the president and head of government and
the resignations of the heads of the police and national security.
On 18 November Taipei police announced a list of 66 “troublemakers”,
who had allegedly thrown gas bombs and stones at the police and spat
at the Taichung mayor. There were also reports that the police had
pressured journalists and their supervisors to hand over video tapes
to identify suspects who allegedly took part in the violence.
Public Document
For more information please call Amnesty International’s press office
in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566 or email: press@amnesty.org
International Secretariat, Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London
AI Index: ASA 38/001/2008
Taiwan: Police should avoid using excessive force at upcoming protests
AI Index: ASA 38/001/2008
3 December 2008
Amnesty International has urged Taiwan’s police force to comply with
international guidelines on the use of force and crowd control at the
planned student protests on Sunday 7 December.
The organization also joins calls for the Control Yuan, the body
mandated by the Taiwan Constitution with supervisory power over the
Executive branch, to conduct an independent inquiry into alleged
excessive police force during November’s protests.
The Wild Strawberry Student Movement has staged sit-ins since 6
November to protest against what they consider the use of excessive
force during the Taiwan visit of Chen Yunlin, chairman of the
China-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait. Civil
society groups in Taiwan are investigating multiple claims that
individuals suffered head injuries and broken fingers at the hands of
police during the protests.
According to police reports on 8 November, approximately 10,000 police
officers had been deployed during Chen’s visit; 149 police officers
and 200-300 individuals were injured; 18 were arrested.
Taiwanese civil society groups claim that police have applied the
Assembly and Parade Law arbitrarily to silence dissent. According to
the students’ spokesperson, they will not seek police approval, as
required by the law, but will only “report” their plans to law
enforcement authorities, in line with amendments advocated by the
The Movement is organizing the protest on Sunday 7 December to
criticize the government’s failure to amend the Assembly and Parade
Amnesty International said Taiwan’s Control Yuan should address the
serious concerns raised by civil society in Taiwan and the government
should cease the practice of using the Assembly and Parade Law to deny
freedom of assembly and allow individuals to protest peacefully.
Amnesty International also called on Taiwanese police and judicial
authorities to ensure that they investigate any protesters accused of
engaging in violence in a fair, transparent, and timely manner in
compliance with international standards.
On 3-7 November 2008, Chen Yunlin, chairman of the Association for
Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, led a 60-member delegation from
the People’s Republic of China to visit Taiwan and meet with President
Ma Ying-jeou.
The police barred protesters displaying Taiwanese and Tibetan flags
and anti-China slogans along the routes taken by the envoy and
confiscated or damaged some of these items. The police also closed a
shop near the hotel where Chen Yunlin had dinner with Kuomintang
honorary chairman Lien Chan when the shop loudly broadcast music from
an album titled ‘Songs of Taiwan’.
There were additional reports of arbitrary detention and police
brutality, some of which, according to the police, were in response to
the violence of protesters.
Following the visit, hundreds of students have staged sit-ins across
Taiwan protesting the police’s handling of the protests and demanding
amendments to the Assembly and Parade Law, which has been misused to
prevent protests.
On 6 November the students started their sit-ins outside the offices
of the Executive Yuan, where they were eventually removed by police on
the grounds of illegal assembly. They continued the sit-ins at the
National Taiwan Democracy Memorial Hall and organized a daily
demonstration calling for immediate amendments to the Assembly and
Parade Law, apologies from the president and head of government and
the resignations of the heads of the police and national security.
On 18 November Taipei police announced a list of 66 “troublemakers”,
who had allegedly thrown gas bombs and stones at the police and spat
at the Taichung mayor. There were also reports that the police had
pressured journalists and their supervisors to hand over video tapes
to identify suspects who allegedly took part in the violence.
Public Document
For more information please call Amnesty International’s press office
in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566 or email: press@amnesty.org
International Secretariat, Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London
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